Overtraining and Achieving Results without Killing Yourself in the Gym

Overtraining and Achieving Results without Killing Yourself in the Gym

Don't get me wrong, exercise is amazing. Really, it's great for you. There are so many benefits of exercising regularly.  Exercise makes you kinder, more patient, more energetic, and more confident. Exercise helps you sleep better, feel stronger, and feel more desirable.  Oh, and bonus! it can help you maintain a healthy body fat level. However, believe it or not, but there is such a thing as too much exercise. 

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Is the Elliptical Making you Fat?

Is the Elliptical Making you Fat?

If I had a nickel for every time throughout the day I looked over at the elliptical machines in my gym and saw someone staring blankly ahead at the TV monitor mindlessly going through their workout, I would quickly become a very, very, affluent personal trainer.  Now, I probably need to back up a minute and clarify, this is not just an elliptical problem.  I’m also not saying there’s not a time or place for every type of movement (any movement is better than no movement!). The problem with what most people are doing on the elliptical is that they’re just “phoning it in.” Add to that what happens after this workout has occurred, and you’ve started creating what can possibly turn into a major problem.

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11 Reasons you're NOT seeing Results

11 Reasons you're NOT seeing Results

As a personal trainer, group exercise instructor and  healthy living coach I talk to and work with a lot of people. These people all have at least one thing in common... they have a goal (or many goals!) 
Their goals vary.  [...]

With all of the people I work with on a daily basis I find that (underlying medical and/or physical conditions aside) there are 11 big reasons some clients don't achieve their goals as quickly (or, unfortunately, at all!).  

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Stay on Track with your Workouts this Summer

Stay on Track with your Workouts this Summer

The kids are out of school, the weather is beautiful and that weekly happy hour is now more enticing that it’s out on a patio.  Baseball season is in full swing (and while I love my Cardinals, there are ALWAYS games, which can lead to “reasons” to get out of your normal schedule) as is vacation season, and music/movies/outdoor theatre picnic season!


However, as wonderful as the summer can be, if you’re not careful your wellbeing and waistline can suffer.

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Holiday Game Plan

Holiday Game Plan

It’s November and the stores are already reminding us that the Holidays start sooner and sooner every year. Which, let’s be honest, is bad enough in itself without adding the fact that surveys have found that people gain SEVEN to TEN pounds from Thanksgiving to Christmas. SEVEN TO TEN POUNDS!  Um, what?!?!  That’s like a 6’ aluminum step ladder, a medium sized bowling ball… or a newborn baby! I mean, we’ve all heard talk about the “food baby,” bet you didn’t realize that’s literally what the holidays can do to people… But not you, not this year.  The “survey of "people" won’t be you.  

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