11 Reasons you're NOT seeing Results

As a personal trainer, group exercise instructor and  healthy living coach I talk to and work with a lot of people. These people all have at least one thing in common... they have a goal (or many goals!) 
Their goals vary.  

The goal may be to lose weight, gain weight, or maintain weight.  Goals may include creating visible muscle mass, recovering from a previous injury, or creating strength to prevent future injury. My clients' goals may be lowering A1C (blood sugar), increasing bone density, or getting up off the floor after playing with grandchildren. Their goals may be something else entirely, but still... there is a goal.

With all of the people I work with on a daily basis I find that (underlying medical and/or physical conditions aside) there are 11 big reasons some clients don't achieve their goals as quickly (or, unfortunately, at all!).  

  1. You don't drink enough water

  2. You're phoning it in

  3. The gym is your "home phone"

  4. You're the Cardio Queen

  5. You "don't eat" carbs

  6. You believe fat makes you fat

  7. You don't eat enough

  8. You follow the same diet your [sister, daughter, bestie, binkini competition friend] does

  9. You'll sleep when you're dead

  10. You don't practice self-care

  11. You are a perfectionist

Over the next several months I will be breaking each of these hindrances down to help you see if you're guilty of sabotaging your goals and some ideas about how to turn that around.