It's Back to School

And back on track

So... summer happened. About that. 

Did you stick to your normal workout routine?
Did you slack on your fitness and/or nutrition?
Was finding the time to workout easier?

Often during the summer things change. The kids are out of school (whether they are yours or someone else's), we go on vacation, BBQs and weekend get-togethers become a regular thing, and sipping a cold beer or cocktail on the patio is so refreshing...

And then right as it starts to get cooler we start noticing the impact of those little changes. Maybe our shorts are a little tighter than they started out in May, maybe our energy level is a bit lower.  

So we tell ourselves, "It's okay, I'll be in sweaters all winter, I'll get back to it in the spring".  

AHHHH!  Warning, warning, DANGER! Don't be that person this year.  Make the commitment NOW to get yourself into (or back into) a healthy routine.  

I don't know about you, but I find Fall is the BEST time to recommit to health and wellness goals. The weather is getting cooler which means getting together with friends can consist of outdoor walks instead of sedentary happy hour. Also- since it's cooler, you won't break out into a sweat just thinking about getting your heart rate up. 

This is the time to start making your health a priority. When it comes to fitness you could try a new class, workout with a friend, do a couple sessions with a personal trainer... whatever works best for you, this is the time to create a maintainable and realistic fitness schedule.  As for your nutrition maybe it's time for a bit of a reset. You can go all out and go for a 3-day or 21-day detox, or just start tracking your nutrition. NOTE: If you do decide to detox, make sure it's a HEALTHY detox. There are lots of really silly detoxes out there that can do everything from mess with your hormones to really screw with your metabolism. Don't be tricked by the promise of "fast results". Detoxes are MENTAL as much as they are PHYSICAL. It's about reminding your body what it FEELS like to run on clean and healthy food.

Surveys have found that people gain SEVEN to TEN pounds from Thanksgiving to Christmas. Don't let "people" be you.  Choose to create healthy and maintainable habits now so you can avoid being a statistic.