Chocolate Raspberry Refrigerator Oats

Chocolate Raspberry Refrigerator Oats

I love refrigerator oats. Seriously, love them.  They're easy to prepare, you can prepare multiple servings at one time, and they are super tasty!  This chocolate raspberry combination is one of my faves (along with the pumpkin!) and while they make a super easy breakfast, I often use them as a mid-morning snack (That's right, I'm a rebel. I eat breakfast food any time I want!).

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Holiday Game Plan

Holiday Game Plan

It’s November and the stores are already reminding us that the Holidays start sooner and sooner every year. Which, let’s be honest, is bad enough in itself without adding the fact that surveys have found that people gain SEVEN to TEN pounds from Thanksgiving to Christmas. SEVEN TO TEN POUNDS!  Um, what?!?!  That’s like a 6’ aluminum step ladder, a medium sized bowling ball… or a newborn baby! I mean, we’ve all heard talk about the “food baby,” bet you didn’t realize that’s literally what the holidays can do to people… But not you, not this year.  The “survey of "people" won’t be you.  

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