Faith Quotes

Faith is a funny thing. Now, more than ever, I find myself wondering how it’s possible to get through life without faith in something. Don’t get me wrong, I have no issue if your faith is different than mine, or even if you are struggling to figure out where your faith lies. The struggle is real, especially now. I’ve been there before, and I’m sure I’ll be there again.

I’ve shared previously that my affinity for collecting quotes goes way back. I collected quotes from songs, movies, books, and even my friends and family. I wrote them in books. And I had one “special book” for my favorite quotes.

Looking back into that book makes me laugh a little. I can see where I went through my melodramatic teenage girl phase. I see where I went through my, “I’m going to be a youth pastor” phase, as well as the time period where I was devouring script after script reading as many plays and musicals as I could get my hands on.

Some of those quotes in my special book wouldn’t make it into my “favorites” anymore (especially the ones from the melodramatic teenage girl phase). But then again, some of them would.

I just rediscovered that book recently, so none of the quotes below are in it. However, if I were to start the book today, they would be towards the beginning.

Yes, these quotes are all faith-based, and most of them come out of the Bible. However, even if that’s not your “thing,” I encourage you to read the quote as if it came from any other book. Then give the quotes a chance to speak to you as any other phrase or sentence might.

On days when you don’t feel so strong and the future seems scary, this verse from Proverbs is one to hold on to.

Raise your hand if you ever worry about the future? You too? And here I was thinking it was just me….

But in all seriousness, as women we often worry about things, sometimes completely disproportionately.  For me, it often comes out as worry not only for me, but for the people I love and care about. Heck, before Baby Z was born I worried about everything from the baby’s health to baby’s education to whether or not I was choosing the right type of cloth diapers and breastfeeding pillow. (Obviously all of the same importance)

Last year when all the craziness was happening with gym changes and company break-ups, I had no idea what my future would hold, and despite what I may have said, inside I was overly stressed and continuously scared.

“Without fear of the future.”

This is the verse that reminds me over and over again to stop, let go, and let God (no, I didn’t make that up. But I honestly have no idea where I heard it for the first time, so you are free to give me as much or as little credit as you like for introducing you to the phrase).

Am I great at it? No. Am I even good at it? Actually, not at all. But I try. And this verse reminds me, and helps me through the tough times.

Ask. There are no stupid questions or stupid requests. You don’t have to feel bad or that you should automatically have a trait. Ask.

This is another verse I remind myself of on a regular basis. In fact, if there are such things as “favorite verses,” this would be among mine.

To me, it’s almost the equivalent of, “there are no stupid questions.” It gives me permission to ask for the things that for some reason I feel like I should be able to do on my own. But guess what, I can’t. Almost daily I ask for strength, patience, wisdom, kindness, and understanding.

I don’t think any of these things come easily to us in this day in age. While I can’t say for sure, I don’t know that any of these things have ever come easily to us as humans.

There are days when patience, strength, wisdom, kindness, and understanding are only coming from somewhere above. Call me crazy, but “ask and you shall receive.” I’m not perfect, but I know I do better when I ask for the things that I need instead of assuming I can produce them myself. So I find it helpful not only to ask, but to remember that asking is encouraged.

How many times have you read this verse or something like it? DOn’t forget to love YOURSElf. Otherwise, how can you love your neighbor?

Stop. Read that again and really look at it.

Mind Blown.

I can’t even tell you how many times I have heard this verse or something like it. Love your neighbor as yourself. Treat others like you want to be treated.

Why is it only now that I realize I have spent most of my life treating others BETTER than I treat myself? Not only that... but if I'm honest, if I treated others the way I treat myself sometimes, I wouldn't have many friends.


Looking at this verse with new eyes reminds me that I not only should I love, respect and care for those around me, but love, respect and care for myself.

It challenges me to work on really loving myself so that I can love your neighbor as myself. I hope this fresh look reminds you to do the same.

LOVE your neighbor as YOURSELF.

how you feel about the shape and size of your body at this point in time of your life doesn’t mean you can’t love anD accept it and the same time as you work to make changes to a healthier and happier lifestyle. This is your soul’s address. And it w…

No, this quote isn’t biblical like the rest. You caught me. But it’s one that I’ve pondered, written, and rewritten in my journal multiple times.

It comes from the chapter called “The Practice of Wearing Skin” in Barbra Brown Taylor’s book, An Alter in the World. The entire chapter (well, book), opened my eyes to some amazing practices and perspectives, but there’s something about this quote that is just, well, centering.

I work in a space/career that is obsessed with body image. And while my personal philosophy around exercise and nutrition is more focused on overall health and wellbeing, I’d be lying to say that I haven’t fallen prey to body image issues before. Even now (on a semi-regular basis) body-image demons can creep up behind me when I’m not paying attention. It’s part of being in an industry where people are constantly scrutinizing my body and how I look before they even consider working with me in a health and wellness capacity.

And I get that. I do.  

But that doesn’t mean that it doesn’t “get” to me occasionally.

This quote, among others is one that I go back and find to remind myself why I do the work that I do, and how my philosophy differs from other personal trainers. It reminds me that my body is truly, “like no other.” The choices and decisions I have made along with the gifts I have been given are what has made me the person I am. I live here. This is my soul’s address.

If you are a person of faith, there’s no arguing with this when you see it in black and white. You are wonderful. You were wonderfully made.

You know how I mentioned favorite verses? This is another one that goes into that category. If you are a person of faith, there’s no arguing with this black and white. You are wonderful.

Let that sink in a minute.

If you believe in a higher power that creates wonderful, beautiful, and amazing things then you are included. You’re not an exception, because there are no exceptions.

You are fearfully and wonderfully made. Because that’s the way all the Creators’ works and creations have been designed.

You have the choice to live up to your wonderful. You were created to be wonderful. I know that full well.

If you’re a quote lover like me, I hope these quotes give you something to think about. And even if you’re not, I hope at least one of these encouraged you to appreciate yourself and the beautiful, unique person that you are.

You are wonderful.
You are strong.
You are loved.


Quotes to Make you Think
Love Yourself, Even when it’s Hard
Inspiration to Find Time