Faith Quotes

Faith Quotes

These are some of my favorite faith-based quotes. And while most of them come out of the Bible they can be inspiring even if that’s not your “thing.”

I encourage you to read the quotes as if they came from any source, then give them a chance to speak to you as any other phrase or sentence might.

If you’re a quote lover like me, I hope these quotes give you something to think about. And even if you’re not, I hope at least one of these encouraged you to appreciate yourself and the beautiful, unique person that you are.

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Inspiration to find Time

Inspiration to find Time

School is starting. Where the heck did summer go?

How the heck is it already the middle of August? Seriously. There’s no way it’s later than the beginning of July at the latest. More like mid-June, right?

Where has this year gone?

What is it about being an adult that causes time to slip through our finger-tips? Maybe it’s because we’ve lived longer so our concept of time is different than it was when we were younger. Or maybe it’s because we’ve put “being busy” on a pedestal and we are living in a state of overwork, overwhelm, and over-busy.

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Love Yourself, Even When It's Hard

Love Yourself, Even When It's Hard

The voice in our heads is lying.  You know, that voice that tells you that you’re not enough.

  • Not pretty enough

  • Not thin enough

  • Not nice enough

  • Not smart enough

  • Not, well, you get the idea

Perhaps most of the time that little voice stays quiet and in the back of our heads; until something triggers it and we have to remind ourselves that we ARE enough.

Here are a just a few of my favorite affirming and loving quotes for those days when you (and I) need to be reminded of the amazing and wonderful people that we are.

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