#1 Easy Hostess Trick


In honor of the Holi-DAY (not week or month… day.), it only seems appropriate for me to share with you my #1 trick to hosting any kind of get together.  Trust me, this little trick is a breeze for you to pull off, I’ve had more compliments by using this trick than with any other things that I’ve done.

“So, Erin.  What is it? Stop teasing me and get to the point already!”

Okay, okay.  It’s charcuterie.  Seriously.

I'll be honest there are a few thing that must be in my kitchen at all times: eggs, salsa, nut butters, leafy greens, and the makings for a solid cheese board. 

Honest to goodness 5 minute Cheese Board…

Honest to goodness 5 minute Cheese Board…

I’m for real. I love having people over, so having things on hand I can make look super fancy in a few minutes is a no brainer. My husband and I love good cheese, so we always have a couple on hand.  Add a few additional pantry items and a wooden cutting board and you are prepared to have guests over in less than five minutes! 

Here are some ideas: cheeses (a hard, a soft, and a blue is always a great combo, but really... it's cheese, any cheese will do!), fruits, dried fruits, nuts, olives, and small pickles. If you really want to up your game go full on charcuterie and add meats such as prosciutto, salami, copa, sausages, pate, etc. You can also add spreads like jellies and jams if you’re feeling super fancy.

Also, I want to point out that you don’t have to get your “fixins” at fancy cheese shops. You can, and they will probably be delicious, but you don’t have to.  Some of our favorite cheeses come from Trader Joe’s, and I always check to see if Costco has any variety packs (they had a trio of goat cheeses earlier this summer… O.M.Geeze. So yummy.).

If you’re not sure where to start, check out the area with the “fancy cheese” at your local grocery store. If you’ve not shopped in that area, you may be surprised at all the things you can find!

Of course, I generally serve my cheese board with crackers. But, you could also do toast points, breadsticks, or sliced baguette. Or nothing, it’s up to you! Although, if you serve a soft cheese, it’s probably a good idea to have something to put it on… apple slices and/or celery stalks are also great if you are grain-free!

Do you make charcuterie platters or cheese boards? What are your favorite items to include?