7 MORE Podcast Episodes to Love

I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again; all the cool people listen to podcasts. 

I know that because after I shared a few of my favorite episodes a couple months back, you guys let me know that you wanted me to keep it up.  You like podcasts too.  But with so many podcasts and so little time, sometimes it’s hard to decide what to listen to. 

Don’t worry.  I’ve got you.  Here are seven episodes that are totally worth a listen.  Enjoy!  

  1. How to Improve Emotional Connection with Your Significant Other: The Chalene Show
    So you know I love Chalene and consider her one of my mentors from afar.  One of the many reason’s I love her is how much emphasis she puts on the relationships you have in your life.  I believe that the quality of your relationships directly influence your health, and I love hearing and seeing other health coaches and gurus who take the same viewpoint.

  2. Dollhouses of St. Louis: 99% Invisible
    Ummm… what?!?!  I’ve lived in Saint Louis for five years and I had NO idea about any of this.  This is crazy-town.  Is this still happening? I need to know, this has to stop.

  3. Epigenetics and the Biology of Belief: The Model Health Show
    You’ve probably heard of genetics, but have you heard of epigenetics?  This stuff is amazing and I could geek out on it all day.  Not only that, but it’s inspiring, motivating, and powerful all at once.  I love how this episode really imparts that you, and you alone are in the driver’s seat when it comes to your health.

  4. It Doesn't Get Better than This: The Life Coach School
    What do you mean it doesn’t get any better than this?!?!  Doesn’t sound very optimistic now, does it?  Imagine my surprise when by the end of the episode I believed just the opposite.  Not for the faint of heart, but mind BLOWN! 

  5. The Real Truth Why I Hate Video: Online Marketing Made Easy
    This one is short and to the point, but oh so raw. I love Amy’s business advice in general, but this episode really hits me because I identify with it so very much. Maybe you’re not in business, and maybe you don’t have to do video… but there’s a good chance you may identify with some of these emotions.

  6. Showing Up As Your Best Self with Shira Gill: The Diva Business School Podcast Ep. 51
    Yes, another “business” podcast. But Shira Gill and I are of one mind when it comes to cleaning out your closet to help you live your best life possible. This episode will help you figure out how to show up as your best self and get rid of some of the clutter.

  7. Kimmy Schmit’s Ellie Kemper Dishes on The Office, Tina Fey, and her Squirrel Days: For The Love
    If you know me, I’m not super into TV.  I’m more of a Book Nerd (or a podcast girl!). That being said, I love me some Kimmy Schmit.  This episode is just as fun as Kimmy, and will leave you with a smile on your face.  You’re welcome.


Okay, your turn!  Comment below with some of your favorite podcasts!