Pumpkin Almond Butter

I had an obsession with peanut butter for a long time. Natural Chunky- nothing else was quite the same.  It was my go-to in times of hunger, need for something quick, and an add-in for a bit of flavor.  

But then I discovered almond butter and my world changed.  My world is changing again.  Flavored nut butters?!?! And you thought something amazing couldn't get amazing-er. (That's right, I said amazing-er. Deal with it English teachers :) ) 



2 cups unsalted, roasted almonds
⅔ cup canned pumpkin
1 teaspoon cinnamon
1 teaspoon pumpkin pie spice
2 teaspoon maple syrup
¼ teaspoon Himalayan pink salt


Place almonds in a large food processor and process until they turn into almond butter, turning off the processor and scraping down the sides of the bowl as needed. This will probably take 12-15 minutes (or more!).
Add remaining ingredients and process until smooth, another 5 minutes or so. If you want the butter to be even smoother, you can add probably add a little oil.
Place pumpkin almond butter into a storage container and store in the fridge for up to one week.

This was my first attempt at making almond butter.  Not only that, but my food processor was my mom's when I was little. Oh, and 2 cups of almonds was a lot for my little food processor. 

Now, I don't know if that has ANYTHING to do with how long it took to "butter" the almonds, but it did take a while. Longer than 15 minutes.  I've put some pictures in here so you can see the progress.  The nuts gradually get finer and finer as you continue the process, also my almond butter seemed to "grow" up the sides of the food processor, so scraping and stirring was a must.

My almond butter ended up being a very thick consistency, but sometimes I get "cooking A.D.D." and I was totally done processing almonds and decided I was okay with a think almond butter. If you want yours to be thinner- you'll have to process for a while (maybe a better food processor?) or add a little oil.  Adding the pumpkin was helpful in the "smoothing" process. I look forward to making this again- and next time perhaps I'll half the recipe to see if less almonds in my food processor will make it easier. 



Have you tried this recipe? I would LOVE to know what you think! Comment below with your thoughts and modifications for everyone living the FRICKin Good Life!