First Trimester Workouts

First Trimester Workouts

Can you workout during your first trimester? How do your workouts need to change when you’re pregnant? Do you need to follow a prenatal workout plan? Can you exercise during pregnancy? What exercises should you avoid during pregnancy?

Find out some general information about exercising during pregnancy; whether you worked out before or not.

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Get Results Without Killing Yourself in the Gym

Get Results Without Killing Yourself in the Gym

Did you know that it’s actually possible to workout too much?

It doesn’t happen often, but when it does, it’s not good. Not only can it negatively impact you physically and mentally, but it can actually make it even more difficult to reach your goals.

Learn about the signs of overexercising and find out if you are one of the few people who may need to cut back to get better results.

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What your group exercise instructors wish you knew

What your group exercise instructors wish you knew

It’s your first time. You walk into the room and see that super cool girl setting up the music and checking the microphone.

Or you’re a seasoned pro, but you’re not sure if the instructor knows your name.

No matter what your group exercise experience may be, there are a couple things that group instructors wish you knew. These are some of those things.

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Body Image Issues

Body Image Issues

I’m sickened. Seriously. I’m ill about this. It’s been on my mind constantly for the last two months, and now this?

First, while my 1-year wedding anniversary had me reflecting on all the great parts of the wedding and marriage planning process, I couldn’t help but remember how horrible my dress shopping experience was. So I posted about it. I wrote about how I wanted to reach back a year and a half ago and remind myself that you can’t see “health” with a look up and down. Health consists more than the number on the scale or the size of your pants.

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Just Five Minutes

Just Five Minutes

We’ve all been there. It’s the end of the day, you’re exhausted, and even though your gym bag is giving you dirty looks, you just don’t want to.

Or maybe you’ve committed to an early morning workout.  Your bed is warm, you’re extremely comfortable, and since you only got 7 hours of sleep you should probably go head and turn off that alarm, right?

That, my friend, is the hardest part of the workout. Getting ready and getting there. Whether “there” is the gym, your basement, or just out your front door, getting to the initial starting place is the absolute hardest part.

So here’s the deal. I’m going to give you an out.  Yes, I want you to continue to plan your workouts ahead of time. Schedule them in your calendar just like any other appointment you wouldn’t cancel on, and show up. But on days like these, you only have to give me five minutes. That’s right. Only five.

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