Just Five Minutes

We’ve all been there. It’s the end of the day, you’re exhausted, and even though your gym bag is giving you dirty looks, you just don’t want to.

Or maybe you’ve committed to an early morning workout.  Your bed is warm, you’re extremely comfortable, and since you only got 7 hours of sleep you should probably go head and turn off that alarm, right?

That, my friend, is the hardest part of the workout. Getting ready and getting there. Whether “there” is the gym, your basement, or just out your front door, getting to the initial starting place is the absolute hardest part.

So here’s the deal. I’m going to give you an out.  Yes, I want you to continue to plan your workouts ahead of time. Schedule them in your calendar just like any other appointment you wouldn’t cancel on, and show up. But on days like these, you only have to give me five minutes. That’s right. Only five.

Put your gym clothes on, lace up those sneakers, show up, and give me five.

Here’s the thing. There’s a really good chance that after all that work you’re going to give me at least ten minutes, right? After all, you didn’t put yourself through the gymnastics of getting that sports bra on for just 5 minutes, did you?

I didn’t think so.

Also, you’re “there.” You made it to your workout location, and how silly will you feel if you only workout for five minutes? I mean, you made to the gym- that probably took longer than five minutes. Or… maybe you only had to go to the living room. That didn’t take long, right? Might as well give me an extra five. After all, ten minutes isn’t really that much, is it?

You see where I’m going here?

Just tell yourself you have to do five minutes. And after five minutes, if you really want to call it quits you can. In fact, I’ve done it. Sometimes your body really does need a rest.  Sometimes you’ve been pushing yourself too much in one way or another and resting is more important than a workout. That being said, I could count on one hand the amount of times I’ve not finished my workout after starting.

Also, if you’re calling it quits on your workout, what are you doing to support what your body needs? After all, you scheduled this time to take care of yourself, remember? And if your workout isn’t working, than it’s time to take inventory to figure out what you do need during the rest of your scheduled workout time. Instead of rushing off to grocery store, grabbing your laundry basket, or rushing to whatever your next task may be; set a timer for the remainder of your workout time and spend your scheduled time doing something to help you rest, recover, and ready yourself for your next workout.

Some suggestions for that remaining time are:

Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash
  • Stretching/Foam rolling

  • Napping (for afternoon/evening workouts!)

  • Meditating/Praying

  • Journaling

You know those times when I told you I didn’t finish my workout? As I mentioned, they have been few and far between, but they did have one thing in common. I was over-stressed and was literally dreading my workout. I even tried switching my workout to something I know that I enjoy more and when that didn’t work, that’s when I called it quits. My body knew I needed a day off of training, and instead I gave my body what it needed in the form of extra stretching or quiet time. If you find yourself bailing on you workouts on the regular, it’s time to figure out why.

Our bodies are made to move, and we need to move them every dang day. And you have five minutes, you do. So figure out why you’re not (check out some of the links above for motivation), drop those excuses, and give me five. You may not thank me now, but you’ll thank me later. Promise. 

You’re welcome ;)
