Sugar-Free Cookie Dough Bites

Sugar-Free Cookie Dough Bites

OMGeeze. These are so good. So FRICKin good. Seriously. They even pass the “hubby” test even though they are a “healthier” sweet treat.  Seriously, even when I make a double batch, I can’t keep these in the house!

I have to give credit where credit is due. This recipe comes straight out of the 131 Method Fat Burning recipe collection, no “Erin tweaks” at all. (Well, let’s be honest. I don’t actually count the chocolate chips, I eyeball them). I’ve included notes on what I use in italics, but you don’t have to use the same brand… however, I know sometimes you want to know.

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Pumpkin-Pecan Chocolate Chip Cookies

Pumpkin-Pecan Chocolate Chip Cookies

So after a week of amazing pumpkin recipes, I know there would be one or two of you beating down my door if I failed to include my pumpkin-pecan chocolate chip cookie recipe. Yes. It's that good. 

These cookies are obnoxiously addicting- so be careful! I recommend only making them when you have somewhere to take them, or someone to send them home with! After all, you know how I feel about treats.  You should totally eat them... but in moderation. These babies are hard to moderate! (Basically what I'm saying is... um YUM!)

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