Podcasts to Listen to Now

You probably already know how much I love podcasts. They make me happy. I love how easy it is to learn something new, increase your knowledge in something you already know, or just be entertained while you’re doing, well, anything!

I love sharing them with people. I text episodes to friends, family, and clients on the regular. But I realized it’s been a while since I’ve shared here with you. So get your earbuds ready, here are a few episodes that have really made me think over the last couple months.

  1. Fighting the Impact of Perimenopause and Menopause: The Chalene Show

    The title of this episode says it all. Since I haven’t been through this situation myself yet, I want to make sure you get info from one of my favorite and most reliable source. It helps that she’s entertaining as well.

  2.  Drag Race Auditions, Meditation, & Nail Art: What’s the Tee?

    This podcast was suggested to me by a client, and I absolutely have to pass it on. From meditation (yes!) to having people that will be honest with you in your life it’s more than just a conversation about RuPaul’s Drag Race. Yes, they talk about how to get on the show for part of the episode, yet… I find so much of the conversation applicable to life in general. Girl, be yourself. Be your amazing, wonderful, and individual self. (Oh, and bonus… they talk nails ;)

  3.  The Urge Jar: The Life Coach School

    Okay, so I’m not 100% sold on this entire method yet… but I love the idea of the jar to actually be able to visualize the hard work you are accomplishing every day. I make my body fat loss clients measure monthly so we can see the progress inch by inch. I love the idea of using a jar for nutrition temptations!

  4.  The Truth about Hormonal Birth Control Pill: The Model Health Show

    So here’s the thing. Anytime someone is really serious about something (aka- they write a book with a specific view) I always take it with a grain of salt. However, Dr. Brighten has a lot of knowledge and experience working with female hormones and definitely gave me a thing or two to think about. In fact, I picked up her book- which is also good with very limited “woowoo” involved. (My clients here in St. Louis will be able to check it out of my client library… coming soon!)

  5. For the Love of Good Change Series 14: For the Love

    Yes, I know. This isn’t just one episode I’m recommending. It’s six. If you’re only going to listen to one, listen to Undoing the Shame of our Body Image Struggles, but I highly encourage you to listen to them all. These episodes take the whole “new year, new you” thing and flip it around in the best way possible. And I’m all in.

  6.  Believed: NPR

    This is another series, but this one is “bingeable.” It’s about Larry Nasser, the Olympic gymnastics doctor and one of the largest serial sex abuse cases in U.S. history. Needless to say, not one I would listen to with the kids around, but still… utterly fascinating and horrifying at the same time.  

Do you have a favorite podcast or type of podcast? Sharing is caring, so leave your suggestions below in the comments!