Letting Go to Move Forward


Tonight was bittersweet. As happy and relieved as I am that I am doing something for myself, I’m also sad to let this little piece of my life go.

Wait. Who am I kidding? It's not a "little" piece of my life.  It's been a HUGE part of my life. And this bit of it, even more on an even bigger scale. 

I love teaching, and my Tuesday evening class will always have a special place in my heart, because this is the class where my random outbursts to make people laugh (anyone know any hot single guys? Because I feel like y'all would be better than match.com...), led to me meeting a pretty amazing guy.  So making the decision to no longer teach this class was not an easy one.  

That's right, after August 4th I’m no longer teaching my Tuesday evening class.  Even as I type that I’m relieved but sad at the same time. All of the emotions... it’s confusing.  However, what it comes down to is I have to take care of myself and do what’s best for me in the long run, even if it is setting aside something that I love. 

I have met so many really great people through teaching this class, we always have fun (well, at least I do... and the 2-3 people who enjoy my quirky humor), and it's a different format that I teach any other time of the week.  However, the problem comes down to the fact that I work.  All the time.  Between personal training, teaching classes, coaching, and trying to fit in my own personal workouts I'm overtraining and running myself into the ground. 

So I had to put on my big girl pants, take a hard look at my schedule, and give up something I enjoy doing to allow myself some time off for rest, recovery, and spending time with people I care about.  Like I said, not an easy decision, but one that had to be made.  As of now, I still teach four classes a week (two on Monday and two on Friday) and I need to take care of my body as well.  

I’m ready for a change, and to achieve change, I can’t keep doing the same thing. 

What it comes down to is if you came to my Tuesday evening class, please know I love you all and it is absolutely nothing against you (I know, classic “It’s not you, it’s me” line.).  I hope to continue seeing you all around in class, in the gym, or even in life outside the gym (I've been told it exists...).  Oh, and when you're feeling it, bust a dance move in class every once in a while for me.