11 Articles to Help you Maintain your Results this Holiday Season

Happy Halloween! Ready for the scariest thing you’ll hear all day?

The Holidays have officially arrived. <insert psycho music here>

Yikes!!! Are you ready for the holidays? Have you made a plan yet?

No, I’m not talking about travel arrangements and whose family you’re visiting when (though, that’s always nice to know as well). I’m talking about your health and wellness plan. You know, when you’re going to work out and what you’re going to do. How you’re going to stay on track with your nutrition and juggle all those holiday parties. And also, how you’re going to keep your cool around Uncle Bob. You know, those things.

If you’ve already made a plan, great! That’s awesome and I’m super proud of you. Make sure it’s written down and you have at least one way to keep yourself accountable (I’ll talk about ideas for that next week).

If you haven’t, don’t worry. It’s not too late. Next week I’m going to go through my strategy for creating a holiday game plan that will won’t leave you waking up New Year’s morning wondering how you managed to undo all your hard work in less than two months.

Until then, I’ve collected some of my previous articles to help motivate and inspire you to stick to your heathy routines over the holiday season!

How much halloween candy can I eat without gaining weigh

No Fear Halloween
Halloween Candy. Yikes! Today is Halloween so if you haven’t already, it’s time to figure out how you’re going to handle all the excess sugar over the next several days (weeks). This blog I wrote last year will help.

Reminder! If you’re one of my in-person clients I’m collecting candy this year to donate to a local organization, All Among Us though November 12th.

Is It Worth It?
Over the next couple months there’s a good chance that there are going to be lots of extra treats around. At the office, at get-togethers and parties, and seemingly everywhere you look. This article goes over how I decide whether or not I’m going to eat (or drink) something. Especially during the holidays.

10 Tricks to Survive Thanksgiving
Yes, the title says Thanksgiving, but these tips can really be applied to any Holiday.

Snow Day Bodyweight Workouts
Bodyweight workouts aren’t always for snow days. But when you DO get snowed in (or don’t want to go out in the cold, or don’t have the time to get to the gym) these workouts have got you covered!

What is the best alcohol to drink when on a diet

Holiday Adult Beverages
Cocktails, wine, and beer flow freely over the holiday season. Check out this article for tips on how to navigate adult beverages over the next couple months and beyond.

Are Non-Alcoholic Holiday Beverages Better?
True or False? Non-alcoholic Holiday beverages are healthier than alcoholic holiday beverages. You’ll find the answer and more in this article about non-alcoholic holiday beverages.

Holiday Game Plan
I’m going to go more into detail about creating a Holiday Game Plan next week. But if you want some inspiration to get started, you’ll find it here!

Take Back Your Time this Holiday Season
Just a bit of motivation and inspiration to help you remember to take care of yourself during this Holiday season… and some how-to as well.

Easy Pumpkin Recipes

Pumpkin Recipes
This is exactly what you think it is. A list of some of my favorite pumpkin recipes (including my Pumpkin-Pecan Chocolate Chip Cookies. Yum!)  

My Favorite Things
I re-wrote the lyrics to The Sound of Music song “My Favorite Things” as part of a gift for my clients several years ago. Needless to say, not only were the goodie bags that came along with the song enjoyed, but the song was so popular that I posted it on my blog to share with the rest of the world.

My Favorite Things #2
Two years later, I did it again. “My Favorite Things” was so popular, how could I resist? And not only did I put several new items on my favorite things list, I linked them so you can find them as well!

Come back next week for a deeper dive on how to CREATE a holiday game plan that will work for you.