Frickin Good Life Book Club 2019

It seems inevitable that this was going to happen. After all, I’ve written not one, but two blogs about books and reading recently (you can read them here and here). Actually, if you count the blog I wrote about cookbooks that would be three.

I guess you could say that I have thing for books.

And I guess you could also say that it’s a rediscovered passion. While I spent my childhood devouring every book that was put in front of me, up until last year the last several years the only time I read anything that was not directly “career related” was over my Christmas vacation.  Not good.

Then last year, I started reading again.  I went back and started reading the entire Valdemar series by Mercedes Lackey in timeline order.  And I rediscovered how the fanciful characters and stories could take me away and help me relax. I was hooked.

Later in the year I joined a book club that, get this, actually reads the books we choose. It’s been amazing. It’s a small group and we take turns choosing the books we’re going to read, which means each of us end up reading books that we personally would have never chosen. And that’s been good too. I’m glad for some of the books I’ve read, even though I’ll never read them again. And I won’t necessarily suggest that anyone else does either. But it doesn’t matter. I love that book club, and I will read all the books, even if I drag my feet a bit, or a lot (sorry ladies!).

So after a year of reading fun, escapism books and book club books (and keeping track of them as well!), I decided that I wanted to focus on adding books that will help me in my mission… to live my best life possible (aka… a Frickin Good Life), and I figured if I’m going to read these books, maybe you’d like to read them too!  If nothing else, I wanted to share the books that I am reading each month and what my “focus” of the month will be.  At the end of each month, I’ll share some of my thoughts about the books, and I would LOVE if you would share with me. 

So without further ado, the first three books of the year will be:

This order makes sense to me- an overall happiness book, and then subjects that directly impact our happiness (good life), sleep and “stuff.” 

You probably noticed that I picked two books from each subject. I’ll plan on focusing on these subjects over the two months the books encompass. You can read one book, both books, or even dive into more research and resources on your own depending on if you’re a Ron, Harry, or Hermione type of person (Harry Potter reference. See #6. Sorry not sorry).  Also, all of these boos also have audiobooks and most of these books are available on Hoopla or Overdrive (Libby). Check to see if your library gives you access.

Okay. So I’m excited about this. Like, ridiculously and obnoxiously excited about this. I can’t even wait. Even if I end up doing this by myself, I’m still excited. (Though, I do hope at least one or two of you join me). 

So what do you think? Are you up for a life changing book club? If so, make sure you join my Facebook Community and let me know that’s why you’re joining, or comment below!