Kryptonite Foods (AKA Dalmatian Food)

Originally posted 2016, updated July 2020

“Once you pop, youcan’t stop” (Pringles)

“Betcha can’t eat just one” (Lays)

“The more you eat, the more you want” (Cracker Jacks)

Kryptonite Foods- we've all got them. You know what I’m talking about, right? Those food items that you can't stop eating. You can't control yourself around them, no matter how hard you try. Moderation? Forget about it.  These foods sap every ounce of willpower you have, leaving you weak and helpless. Powerless. Just like superman.

I also call these foods Dalmatian foods.


I have a friend who had a Dalmatian. And one day when all the humans were out of the house, this dog got into the garage where her food was stored and chewed a hole in the bottom of her food bag. My friend returned home to find the poor dog laying on her side whimpering from overstuffing herself. But get this, she was STILL EATING! This Dalmatian was alternating between continuing to eat her food and vomiting. It was like she literally couldn't stop eating, even though it was making her sick. 

I don't know if all Dalmatians are like that or not, but seeing this one made me realize that we have foods like that in our lives as well. Foods that we find ourselves eating uncontrollably.

Mine is Nutella. 

I can't have it in the house. I'll tell myself I'll just have a little on a piece of sprouted grain toast (I mean, that's not bad, right?).

But then shortly after I'll convince myself that a little more on a banana wouldn't hurt. I mean, I haven't had any fruit today, and fruit is good for you, right? Right?

Then, a little while later I'll just grab a spoon. I mean- it's really just the Nutella I want, so why put extra calories in my body just as a "vehicle"? 

And then a couple spoonfuls (or half a jar) later I realize what I'm doing. So I pull out my ladder and put that jar of Nutella on the very top shelf in the very back. I'm not exactly tall, so I do this to force myself to think twice about that next spoonful... Which I have 5 minutes later. 


I’ve become obsessed with the Nutella. I keep wanting more- and even though my tummy is starting to hurt, and I'm getting a slight headache from all the sugar, I can't stop. Not until the jar is completely demolished... Scraped out with a rubber spatula and polished clean.

Okay, I might be exaggerating a little (I'm really not, but I'm saying that so you don't think I'm entirely crazy), but the point is- we all have those foods. The foods that we keep eating even when we're full and even when our brain is telling us to stop. We don’t want to eat any more, but part of us does. The part of us at does want the food-that’s what I call the Dalmatian. 

Dalmatian foods aren't necessarily unhealthy foods. In fact, they may be totally fine if you were to eat them in resonable portions. However, for whatever reason try as you might, you just can't eat them in moderation.

Get them out of the house.

I’m not saying you can never have your Dalmatian food again. I’m saying it’s to your advantage to keep it out of your house. You might even be able to allow that food back into your house, eventually. But maybe not. And there’s nothing wrong with that. Sometimes keeping your kyrptonite at home is just a bad idea, and it’s better to have your treat out of the house. In fact, I love a good Nutella crepe at brunch every now and again.

If your kyrptonite is ice cream (which is super common) go somewher for your treat. Instead of keeping a pint (or gallon!) of ice cream in the freezer tempting you to grab a spoon and flop on the couch (or mindlessly eat at the counter), treat yourself at your favorite Ice Cream Parlor. Going somewhere like Clementine’s Creamery, Ices Plain & Fancy, or your local shop not only allows you the treat you want, but reminds your brain that it IS a treat. And once you’ve had your treat, your done. There’s not the rest of the gallon staring at you asking to be eaten.

Some Dalmatian foods I hear quite often are:

  • Ice Cream

  • Nutella

  • Pizza

  • Fresh ground almond butter

  • Oreos

  • Pringles (or any kind of potato chips)

  • Pretzels

  • Smucker's Natural Chunky Peanut Butter (I realize that’s oddly specific, but I’ve heard it a handful of times!)

  • Almonds

  • Saltine Crackers

  • Mixed Nuts

  • Chocolate Chips

As you can see, there are several things on the list that are great for many people. However, you can overeat healthy foods too. My challenge to you is this- figure out what your Dalmatian food is, and make a commitment to keeping it out of your house. 

Call it a Dalmatian Food or your food kryptonite, there’s nothing wrong with you. You’re not weak. In fact, there’s actual science bethind some of the foods that we eat, crave, and can’t stop eating (check out some of the resources below). So instead of beating yourself up, acknowlege it for what it is, and do something about it. Keep it away from you.

After all, even Superman couldn’t deal with Kryptonite.

You are not weak. your willpower ins’t failing. It’s not your fault unless you choose to not do anything about it.