Corona Brain and What to do About It

Anxiety. Confusion. Overwhelm. Fear.

I’ll be honest. This has not been my best week.

I’m struggling with figuring out how to “show-up” and serve my people (you) right now, when I alternate between feeling fine, optimistic, almost normal and wanting to curl up in a ball and cry.

And it’s funny, because the things that I find triggering are surprising to me. And I’m not honestly not sure if there is a hormone thing going on here in the last couple weeks of pregnancy, or it’s just the pandemic that is happening at the same time that my life is changing.

I’ll admit it. I’m scared.

  • I’m scared my husband won’t get to be with me when our baby is born.

  • I’m scared that we don’t have what we need, and it will be challenging to get what we need.

  • I’m scared because I know that I’m not at my best mentally right now… and I’m not even postpartum yet.

  • I’m scared that the business I have poured my heart and soul into over the last 5 years seems to be falling apart.

And yet… I’m hopeful.

  • No, we don’t have a crib yet. No we don’t have our nursery “done.” But we do have a bassinet, and a lot of love for this baby that is coming into the world.

  • No, we don’t have stockpiles of disposable diapers or even one single container of wipes. But we do have cloth diapers and enough wash cloths that we can make it work.

  • No, we don’t have a fancy formula machine or any more than the two freebie bottles that came in our registry “thank you” packs. But I do have both a manual and electric breast pump and we will have lots of time at home.

  • No, I’m not at work anymore. My gyms closed two and a half weeks before I was even planning on maybe cutting back on work more. But, I’m still able to train my online clients, and they are continuing to get amazing results, even though they are also stuck at home.

So while I’ve been working on a post about home gym equipment, I’ve been struggling to get it done, because it seems like everyone is doing that right now.

I’ve been posting workouts that you can do at home with just your bodyweight or minimal equipment, but I’m not sure if people are ready for that yet. Next week, maybe yes, but for now- I just want to hold space for the fear and hope that we have as we navigate these first few weeks of uncertainty.

Some of us may be struggling in isolation. Some of us may be struggling because we’re closed in with more people than we’re used to. On the other hand, for some of us, maybe things don’t seem that different.

Wherever you are on the spectrum, there are a few things I encourage you to try:

  1. Back away from all day news. Once or twice a day is plenty, trust me
    Currently, The Skimm is my favorite go-to for news updates. You can get the newsletter in the morning and listen to the podcast in the evening if you like. It’s short, sweet, to the point.. and doesn’t include all the “scary” that other news providers are broadcasting.

  2. Identify your triggers, and stay away from them for now
    Even if it’s something (or someone) that is normally good for you, you may need to take some time away from things or people who trigger your panic and anxiety

  3. Make a gratitude list
    Not just in your head. Write it down. Tell yourself you’ll write for at least 5 minutes, and do it.

  4. Write down at least ONE thing in your life that is awesome right now
    Because there is at least one thing. Maybe you get to spend more time with your family, maybe you don’t have to sit next to your coworker who always brings a stinky lunch. You can think of one thing, I believe in you!

I know, it may seem difficult. But it’s possible. I’ll start in the hopes of getting you inspired.

Something awesome?  I’m healthy, baby is healthy, and baby is head down. What does that mean? That means that barring some bizarre circumstances, I’ll be able to have a normal vaginal birth. So, in the case that the world goes completely crazy in the next couple weeks, I have that little light to hold onto. Women have given birth in worse circumstances and worse locations. Since baby and I are both healthy, we’re going to be okay.

Now, gratitude. Here are just a few things I’m grateful for off the top of my head:

My husband
Our nugget on the way
My sisters
My parents
My extended family (aunts, uncles, cousins, in-laws, nieces, nephews, etc. You know the whole lot)
My friends
Our “couple” friends
My clients
My students
Clean water
A roof over our heads at night
Heat/air conditioning
Food on our table
Extra food in our pantry
Toilet paper
Laundry in the basement
Our house
The internet

Smart phones
The ability to coach online
The people who are keeping things running: store workers, postal workers, police officers, truck drivers, doctors, nurses, delivery people of all sorts, etc. There are too many to name, but I am grateful for all of them
Time at home with my husband
Coloring books
Snail mail that’s not bills or coupons (Well, sometimes the coupons)
Hot baths
Nail polish

Chocolate chip cookies
Stylish athletic wear
Maternity athletic leggings
Comfy slippers
Warm blankets
My husband
Our current health
The ability to be writing this now
My body- that is capable of doing amazing things
My faith

Here’s the thing. I could go on, and on. But you get the idea. There are so many things to be grateful for. Big and small, no matter our situation. And it’s easy to overlook them in times of struggle, confusion, and fear.

So today, I challenge you to sit down and make a list of things you are grateful. Then write down at least ONE thing that is awesome right now.

I’ll bring you that home gym equipment list soon, I promise. But right now breathe in, breathe out and remind yourself that there is a light at the end of this tunnel. It may be a small pinprick of a light right now, but it’s there.  

I’m sending so much love and positivity to you all. We can do this.


“unprecedented Times,” UNCERTAINTY, Confusion. There’s a lot going on right now that can cause even the most positive level-headed person to feel anxiety. Yes, including me. Try these four things to help restore as much calm as you can. I BELIEVE in…