5 Podcast Episodes that you’ll listen to Again

All the cool people listen to podcasts.  Seriously.  At least, I’m pretty sure they do.  I know I do, so… yeah.

In case you missed it, I love podcasts, like- LOVE podcasts.  Podcasts are awesome because you can find a podcast for just about anything.  Want to learn how to start your own business? There’s a podcast for you.  Want to hear the latest celebrity gossip? The news? Podcasts upon podcasts. Or maybe you’re looking for a guided meditation, a sermon, or someone to talk to you about knitting.  Podcast, podcast, podcast.

You get the idea, I’m sure. 

Podcasts are great to listen to while cleaning, washing dishes, driving, or taking a walk.  In fact, there is no way I would have made it through my recent last-minute decision to run 6.058 miles with no training without the help of a couple good podcasts.

So to help you get started, here are just FIVE of the amazing podcast episodes I can't get enough of right now:

1.     Help Your Kids Be a Healthy Weight: The Chalene Show
This. Just this.  I saved this one to listen to over and over again when I have kids…and I’ll make my husband listen to it too.  Seriously.  This is such an important topic, but I don’t think it gets talked about nearly enough.  (Psst! Don't listen with your kids around!) 

 2.     Vital Changes with Shira Gill: The Life Coach School
Yes, yes, and more yes.  I agree with so much of this and how important of a role organization plays in our life.  In fact, I’m slightly obsessed with the parallels between organization and health/weight-loss.  No, it’s not “woo-woo,” it’s a thing.  In fact, when I started my health journey (and every big progression I’ve made since) I couldn’t help buy clean, declutter, and organize.

 3.     Amy Schumer: A Modern-Day Warrior Woman: Oprah’s Supersoul Conversations
Oprah + Amy? Be still my heart. Everything from body image issues to the benefits of meditation, to making social paradigm switches.  Oh, and did I mention body image issues? Love.

 4.     The Comfort Zone Myth & Motivation Through Empathy: The Model Health Show
This is one of my favorite podcast shows.  The amount of time, energy, and research for each episode is amazing, and almost overwhelming.  Yes, this is one of the longer ones, but it’s worth the listen.  The guest Shawn is interviewing is speaking my training language, and I loved every minute of it.  

 5.     Best Of: Facing the Fear of Rejection: The Brendon Show
Okay Brendon, thanks for pointing out to me that while I generally feel pretty confident, that I’m actually still quite afraid of rejection.  This is a must listen, especially for those of you who (like me) are either people pleasers or recovering people pleasers.


Are you a podcast listener? What are some of your favorite podcasts?!? I’m always looking for more, and always looking to share!