Back to School and Back on Track

I don't know about you, but summer just kind of "happened" to me.  There’s really no other way to describe the last 3 months other than that.  I’m not entirely sure how they happened, but they did.  75% of the time I didn’t know what day it was, and imagine my shock when I realized that it’s already the end of August.  AUGUST FRIENDS, August.  What the what?!?

Unfortunately, when things like this just happen, that usually means schedule and routine are off.  And when routines get off for whatever reason (whether it be summer, an injury, a celebration, or a sorrow) one of the easiest things to let slide is how we take care of ourselves; especially in the health and fitness category.

After all, skipping your workouts for a week won’t make that much difference, will it?  Perhaps not, but that week easily turns into two weeks, then three weeks, and then the entire summer.  Same thing with meal planning and prepping.  You don’t plan for a few days because you have a BBQ to attend, but then you don’t feel like braving the grocery store (or heaven forbid, Costco on the weekend!) so maybe you’ll just order pizza.  Or your out enjoying the long summer days longer than expected so you get carry-out instead of going home to cook dinner.

Add to that impromptu gatherings, ice cream (because summer. And ice cream), and long evenings with the perfect weather for cocktails on the porch with loved ones and it’s no surprise that your clothes may start feeling a bit snugger at the end of August than they did at the end of May.

So now what? Do you tell yourself it will be sweater weather will be here soon enough and continue the nightly ice cream, cocktails, and lack of sleep? Or do you follow the example of bazillions (okay, that’s not a scientifically factual number… but it feels like bazillions- right here in my city!) of kids and get yourself back into a routine that will eventually lead to the results you’re after?  For the kids, it’s graduation, but for you maybe it’s losing the body fat you were working so hard to eliminate before summer happened.  Or maybe it’s increasing your strength, flexibility/mobility, or losing the excess weight that crept on this summer.

Here’s a little tough love. If a seven year old can do it, so can you.  You can get back on a schedule, back into a routine, and reach your goals.  It’s not going to happen overnight just like learning multiplication or long division doesn’t happen overnight, but little by little you will work your way towards the goals you set and the life you desire. 

And this is the PERFECT time to do it.  Do it now, before the holidays are here.  I know they seem a distant future, but remember how summer just “happened”?  If you’re not paying attention Fall will do that too, and starting a new routine during the holidays is the hardest time to do it.  Possible, but difficult.  And let’s be honest, none of us want to be the statistical person who gains seven to ten pounds over the holidays. 

So get back on track now. It’s worth it.

Yes, it may be a little uncomfortable now but you can either be uncomfortable now, or uncomfortable later. It’s your choice.

Need some help? I’ve got you!  I created a simple 7-Day Healthy Habit Jumpstart Checklist designed specifically to create habits that last for the long run. Now you have no excuses. It’s the perfect time of year and you’ve got the tools to get going, so do it.  You got this!