No Fear Halloween


Tootsie Rolls, Twix, Snickers, Milk Duds, and Milky Ways.  Starbursts, Skittles, Twizzlers, and Jolly Ranchers. Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups, Butterfingers, and Candy Corn.

It’s Halloween, so we eat it. And unfortunately we eat it all. Why? Because it’s there. Staring us at the face. Taunting us. Teasing us. Calling to us.  Or, one of my client’s so “delicately” put it.  It’s making us angry. Either angry because we’re eating it, or angry because we “can’t” eat it.

And you know what the worst part is? Most of it is stuff you’d never put in your body on a normal basis, and probably don’t even like that much!  Don’t take me wrong, binging on candies and desserts that you do like isn’t great either, but why, oh why, for the love of Willy Wonka why do we end up eating the things we don’t even enjoy?

Take candy corn for example.  I am not a fan of Candy Corn (does anyone even like candy corn?!?).  However, somehow it ends up in my life almost every year.  And you know what? More often that I’d like to admit, I eat it. Why? Because maybe I’ll like it this year, or maybe I just want the satisfaction of biting off each tiny layer one at a time, or (honesty time) because I feel bad throwing things away and "Wasting" them.

Friend, I want to tell you this. When you choose to get rid of something that isn’t good for you, you are not wasting it. 

If you are truly eating something because you feel bad throwing it away, you’re treating your body as something less than a trash can, and you are better than that.  Let me say it again. You are better than that.  I am better than that. But that doesn’t mean that you don’t end up eating that candy corn from time to time (but why?!?).

Or maybe you do decide to eat the candy (no judgement here).  Enjoy it, but recognize it for what it is; a treat.  You are allowed to treat yourself (well, unless you’re working towards being spray-tanned on stage in an itty-bitty bikini with a number on your hip.  Then don’t eat the candy. Just don’t.), but if and when you do, ask yourself if it’s worth it.  If not, don't eat it. It's better for the candy to go uneaten than to use your body as a garbage disposal.

So now what?

Create a plan before the candy comes into the house.  Game plans are awesome.  I am a huge fan of creating game plans ahead of time.  That way, not only do you know what’s coming up, but you also know how you’re going to handle the situation.

As for Halloween candy you’ve got options:

  1. Throw it away

  2. Eat it all in one sitting and not only feel terrible about it, but have a major sugar-hangover later

  3. Take it to a local Buy Back Station

  4. If you live in the STL area, donate your candy for a free youth admission to the wave pool at The Lodge on November 2nd (Sign up early!)  If you don’t live in the area, check to see if any of your local gyms are doing “buy back” deals.

  5. Use it in another way (like making a gingerbread house, or chopping it up for holiday cookies)

  6. Ask Uncle Google where you can donate candy in your area after Halloween…

Obviously you’ve got options, and these are only a few ides to get you started. No matter WHAT you decide, knowing what you’re going to do ahead of time is key.  Make a plan and remind yourself that you are an amazing and strong woman who doesn’t treat her body like a trash can. You’ve got this.

How do you deal with Halloween candy (both for yourself and your kids)?  Share in the comments below or join the conversation on Facebook to help our community come up with ideas to plan and prepare for the upcoming Holiday season!