Whole30 Accountability Group

WOWZA!  That's all I have to say about the response to my post at the end of June asking, "Are you on the Wrong Diet?". Honestly, I would have addressed this sooner, but... well, summer.  And life. So needless to say, I'm just getting around to addressing it now.

First- I'm ecstatic that so many of you not only read what I had to say, but took it to heart. Since then, I've had several people tell me about their results with one of the diets I mentioned in that post (and my favorite part, several of them tried different diets!).  Inches and pounds have been lost and confidence has been gained.  WooHoo!!! When you find a way of eating (aka a "diet") that not only works with your lifestyle but feels "right" maintaining your success is no longer a chore, but easy.  

However, other than all the fabulous success stories I heard, I also had many people tell me that they wanted to try something different, they just didn't think they could do it. So I asked them why.  Most of the answers sounded something like

"I don't have any support at home"

"I don't know how to get started" 

"I haven't stuck to anything before, so I'm not sure that I can stick to this"

Okay, I hear you. Approaching something new can seem hard, or scary.  But it's TOTALLY doable.  To help with the "doable-ness" (yeah, I just made up that word), I've decided that I'm going to do this WITH you.  And we're going to keep each other accountable. 

So I chose the Whole30. You don't have to choose the same program as me, but I find with accountability groups, everyone has better success the more closely they follow the same plan.  Basically, I'm telling you that you don't have to do the Whole30, but if you're going to participate in this group I recommend it. 

We're start October 9th 2017 and it goes through November 7th 2017.  

The plan is that know that you have a group of people (or at least me!) to stay accountable to, you are a bazillion times more likely to succeed.  No, that number is not a scientifically proven number, but you get my point.  I can't WAIT to see the amazing transformations we can make together!

Click HERE to sign up for the FRICKin Good Life Whole30 Accountability group!


Here are some Resources to get you started: (Psst... some of my links are affiliate links. Most aren't. But I thought you should know)

If you want to read about WHY you should consider the Whole30, Click Here!

If you want to buy the cookbook (which also includes the basic guidelines), Click Here!

If you just want the rules, shopping lists, etc. Click Here!