January- Clean Up

So it's the beginning of the year and you've decided you're going to make some changes. After all- THIS is the year. 

This is the year you're going to finally:

Lose weight
Get a promotion
Eat better
Lose weight
Start a new hobby
Decrease your body fat %
Learn a new language
Oh, and lose weight 

At the beginning of the year we are often focused on the many things that we'd like to improve in our lives, and topping that list are often health and fitness related goals. However, here we are mid-January and already for many, our best intentions are already starting to slip to the sidelines. 

Instead of letting go of your big goals already (January gym people, anyone?) start by breaking them down little by little. 

You've got two weeks left in January and if you're already feeling behind in your progress towards your goals just stop and breathe. Instead of feeling overwhelmed and as though you have already failed take the next two weeks to focus on cleaning up your diet. 

Clean your kitchen

Go through the cupboards, the pantry, and the freezer. Throw out or donate Dalmatian foods, as well as anything that has gone bad or is not aligned with your goals. Yes, I know throwing food away can be hard, but if it really is "junk" you've got the choice to put it in the trash or use your body as a trash can. Like I said- your choice. 

Prep your space

I'm not going to go into all of my "healthy kitchen essentials" here (that's for another time), but do take the time to at least evaluate your kitchen space and arrangement. Are your spices easily accessible (spices are the best way to make an average dish delish!)?  You'll be working with lots of fresh food this year, are your knifes and cutting boards easily accessible (but not to any little ones you may have running around)? Do you have a visible location for fruits and veggies that don't need to be refrigerated? Do you have room in your fridge to easily access fruits and veggies (and NOT in the back of the crisper)? Speaking of easy access, do you have containers to store pre-prepped snacks and meals? 
You may need to take some time and rearrange your kitchen, this is the time to do it! 

Change your mindset

It doesn't have to be all or nothing. Trust me, if it was I wouldn't be here talking (typing?) to you now! Every little change is a small step towards your goals. Small steps add up, so keep taking small steps forward, and soon you'll find you've covered more distance than if you sprinted and ran out of steam in the first month (I think there's probably a good "Tortoise and the Hare" reference here... Just pretend like I made it). 

Don't give up. You still have over 11 months to achieve those goals you set. You can do it, step by step. You've got this.